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The Philippines'

Top Dog Behavior Expert

Described by Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan as "First-class" and "Masterful" in Cesar's Recruit Asia Season 2, National Geographic Channel

Lestre Zapanta is called by many as "THE Pinoy Dog Whisperer". He is a dog behavior expert with 15 years of experience training dogs and their families. An expert on reading canine signals, he says:

"The good thing about studying dogs' body language is that you become aware of the meaning of every slight change in their behavior. Most people think that the only indication that a dog will bite is if it barks or growls. This is a huge misconception. There are, in fact, other predictive gestures that may occur prior to a bite and they always go unnoticed by an untrained eye. This is the main problem in human-dog relationships --- the language barrier. Before dog owners can hope for obedience, they should understand first what is going through the mind of the dog."

To further acquaint you with his amazing work with dogs, watch Woofcam.

WOOFCAM: Asong Nangangagat (Bully bites!)

WOOFCAM: Asong Nangangagat (Bully bites!)

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Take the first step toward a well-behaved and happy dog. Book your dog's slot today. Together, let's unleash the full potential of your K9 kid. Click here.


Dog training problems? Read more about my work with dogs.


Looking for the perfect dog

training tool for your dogs?

Need help?

Mobile No.: 0939 719 2549


© 2008 Lestre Zapanta

THE Pinoy Dog Whisperer

Contact us

(+63) 939 719 2549

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